Golden Post Awards 2024

How to Create a Standout 2024 Golden Post Awards Entry

Discover how to make your agency's hard work stand apart from the rest! Join the Awards Committee Co-Chairs Katie Grant and Frances LaRue to take a look behind the scenes on how to craft excellent entries for the 2024 Golden Post Awards that make your government social media work shine. GSM founder Kristy Dalton will also join this free webinar, where we'll explore:

  1. Updates to this year's program

  2. What judges are eagerly seeking in entries

  3. Practical, actionable strategies to ensure your entry stands out and excels

Gain valuable insights on how to exceptionally showcase your government's social media initiatives and transform your agency's social media efforts into award-winning triumphs!

Meet the Co-Presenters

Awards Committee Co-Chair

Katie Grant is Communications Director at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Katie began working in the DNR’s award-winning Office of Communications in August 2018, and has also served as Digital Communications Section Manager. She got her start in communications through her own business of teaching coaches how to build their social media presence and has worked in various industries including non-profit events, restaurants and grocery stores. She is currently serving as vice president and Midwest representative for Government Social Media Leadership Council and has a Bachelor of Arts from UW-Madison in Spanish Language and Hispanic Studies.

Awards Committee Co-Chair

Frances La Rue is the Public Affairs Manager for the City of Anna, Texas. After years of working on a team with other city communicators, she consciously decided to chart her destiny as a one-person shop in Anna. She implements the city’s strategic integrated communications plan and serves as the public information officer for all departments and public safety agencies. Her work is frequently recognized with state and national awards.

Frances has a master’s degree in strategic communication and innovation and a graduate certificate in advanced digital and social media from Texas Tech University. She received her bachelor’s in marketing and her master’s in organizational leadership from California Baptist University. Before joining Anna, she worked in municipal communications for McKinney, TX, and Corona, CA.


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Golden Post Awards


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