While our Free GSM Network is a great resource, the Government Social Media Association (GSMA) unlocks a support system for government employees handling social media, for only $99/year. Over 600 social media professionals in government belong to our association and you can join, too!
Learn about each region, our elected council and membership eligibility.
Recent Training/Events
We help establish and promote best practice standards for gov't social media, we monitor and communicate relevant issues and assist in social network discussions.
We organize monthly live SocialGov Roundup webinars with the latest social media news & platform changes. Members can also view archived recordings of previous webinars.
We host quarterly meetups for each region held via Zoom, a great opportunity to collaborate on regional topics and network with nearby public communicators.
Members have access to a membership directory to search, message and connect with social media peers in their area, and a gated online community to share challenges and lessons learned with social media professionals dealing with the same issues.
Members registered for the Government Social Media Conference can participate in our annual membership meeting, get free professional headshots and be identified with a member ribbon. Virtual participants can also join in on the membership meeting.
One of the most economical associations you'll find, yet packs significant value for you and your agency.
Government Social Media is the first association for public sector social media professionals, founded by Government Social Media® in 2015! GSM membership is guided by our Membership Guidebook, which clarifies the purpose, structure and operations of the association.
We support local and state agencies, the United States Federal Government, regional government, academics, Canada government agencies and more. Members can have any job title — it’s not limited to social media manager — but must be actively employed full/part-time (not as contractor or consultant), or be an elected or appointed official, at any of the following entities within the United States of America, including their departments, agencies, boards and commissions:
Canada Membership
For our Canada membership, you must represent a government entity such as federal, provincial or municipal government to qualify. Employees at academic institutions in Canada are currently not eligible for membership. Canada members are currently not eligible to vote or serve on the Council, but are welcome to serve on association committees.
The GSM Membership Council is an advisory body is made up of six members who represent state or local agencies, each elected by their region. Council members serve as advisors for the association for a term of two years.
"It's nice to have a community of welcoming professionals who know what you're going through in this niche business!"
Mailing Address:
9732 Pyramid Way #125, Sparks, NV 89441
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