A Note to Our Outgoing GSM Council from the Executive Director

May 21, 2021

The Government Social Media professional association is served by a group of elected volunteer advisors representing regions across the United States. Elections are underway as the Southeast, Southwest and West region council terms are ending and the Northeast region has a vacant seat. 

A Note to Our Outgoing GSM Council (from the Executive Director) 

Though your membership council terms have come to an end – Chris Hsiung, Mary McGuire, Jay Socol and Jon Tolbert — we’re so grateful for your commitment, and we can’t wait to see all that you accomplish moving forward.

As the association’s Executive Director, I’ve seen how you have shown not only deep dedication to your field, but also to each individual in it. You’re always willing to help your peers across the country, step in when help is needed, and support the strategic direction of the association.

During one of the most difficult years members have faced both personally and professionally, you (along with Warren Kagarise and Jessie Brown, fellow council members continuing to serve their terms) allowed both us and fellow members to lean on you for support, advice and friendship. 

Throughout your tenure, you helped us: 

  • Dramatically cut membership fees to help out our community
  • Navigate a crushing conference cancellation during the pandemic
  • Increase the resources and training we provide to social media professionals
  • Launch the free GSM network to over 1500 professionals 
  • Welcome hundreds of new members to the association 

Thank you for taking on expanded roles within the council to champion new projects and execute the association’s vision. We will continue our mission of uplifting government social media professionals by sharing best practices, guidance and providing a place for our community to connect and collectively learn from each other.  

As we will welcome several new incoming council members next week, we wanted you to know how you, like the honorable councils before you, have laid such an important groundwork for our organization and future council members to come. 

From all of us at Team GSM, THANK YOU.

Kristy Dalton, GSM founder and Executive Director of the GSM professional association

Best communicate with the public you serve by becoming a part of the free Government Social Media network — only available to full/part-time employees of government or educational institutions. 

We support the largest network of government social media professionals in the U.S. by guiding government agencies through complex social media issues. Government Social Media helps you successfully communicate with the public you serve, protect your agency and keep public trust while finding your support community.


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